Issue with AIR after installing Flex 3.0.2 Updater

After just installing the Flex 3.0.2 Updater the AIR project that I was working on didn’t quite agree with my proactive decision.

Upon debug it was throwing the error.

Process terminated without establishing connection to debugger.


“/Applications/Adobe Flex Builder 3/sdks/3.2.0/bin/adl” -runtime “/Applications/Adobe Flex Builder 3/sdks/3.2.0/runtimes/air/mac” /workspace/theAirApp/bin-debug/theAirApp-app.xml /workspace/theAirApp/bin-debug

Output from command:

error while loading initial content

This issue has been logged with Adobe with the work around being to modfiy the namespace in your AIR applications-xml file to use 1.5 like so