Ha ha ha I’ve caught you… you http request.

Have you ever been sick and tired of trying to use the flash remote debugger to debug those nasty remote errors. Well don’t pull your hair out any longer. Why don’t you try Service Capture, the ultimate tool for seeing http requests from your browser.

Service Capture has to be one of my favourite tools in RIA Development. It is especially helpful when dealing heavily with remote packets being sent to and from flex and flash. One is able to browse the specific arguments and view any server side errors returned to the UI.

It runs on both Windows and Mac and for the small price of $30 it’ll save you 3.33 times the amount in your time when it comes to debug that problem and double as your alibi when your standing toe to toe with your server side buddy arguing the fact that flex is indeed sending the correct information.

You can read more about it here

5 thoughts to “Ha ha ha I’ve caught you… you http request.”

  1. Hi Peter,

    Yes Firebug is a great tool, I don’t really use it to debug AS as such just to catch server requests when using remoting or http services from flash or flex.

    For debugging I just use Flexbuilder’s built in debugger.

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